The Labastide caves, or Laspugue caves, are located in the town of Labastide. There are three main caves: ‘la grotte des Chevaux’ (cave of horses), an ornate cave, famous for its great polychrome horse, ‘la grotte de la Perte’ (the grotto of the loss) and ‘la grotte Blanche’ (white cave). Only the white cave is part of the animated and guided tour, unfortunately the other two caves are closed to the public.

In the ‘Espace Préhistorique’ you will learn about the history of prehistoric man, see a demo of how to make fire, learn hunting techniques and paint with brush and prehistoric colours. There is a film in a cave at 10 degrees on the history of this prehistoric cave. There are several games for children, including: zip lining, a balance/acro parcours and a game to guess the footprints. It is possible to have a picnic on site.